we both just received our second shot of moderna vaccine…so relieved I’m not gonna die of covid now…
congratulations =)
hopefully no side effects
You’re not fully protected until 2 weeks after your 2nd shot. Congratulations on getting it though! That’s great! I get mine in a few days
@LilyoftheValley yes you’re right…almost out of danger though…!!
Congrats to you and your gf @jukebox
I get my second Pfizer vaccine next week.
Awesome. Welcome to the Vax club!
Thats great!! I got the second dose of Pfizer and had no side effects at all. There is a lot of vaccine hesitancy in the US. Is it like that in other countries?
Congratulations Jukebox :)) :))
Congratulations Juke! Thank you for being responsible.
Got my second Pfizer dose Friday. Saturday was not great. Had a low fever all day and slept the day away. I awoke in chills that morning and knew I was in for it. By the time Sunday morning rolled around, no issues, right as rain.
Congratulations @anon40540444!
Yep, my card looks identical.
Got my second one today.
Takes two weeks to build antibodies, guy. Don’t rush out yet.
Must feel good for you!
Ill problably get mine in late summer.
I’m still afraid of the covid vaccine I mean I think is better to wait it wouldn’t hurt.
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