I got dressed up, went to a big party, and made a friend tonight

It was a little bit of a struggle,

But I went to a big party where I only knew one person,

And not the host.

Got all dressed up, had several people compliment me.

Made a friend with a woman my age,

We exchanged numbers and I actually think we’ll hang out.

See, we can do stuff.

We can do normal things.

I feel pretty proud.


Well done on getting out of your comfort zone @GoldenRex . You should be proud and pat on the back. It’s never a bad thing meeting new people and you pick up a friend out of it then it’s all so much better. Kudos.

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It could be the start of something special!!!



We’ve been getting extra food stamps during the Covid 19 crisis. So some of the people here got together and staged a cookout with a LOT of food. There is this guy here who can bar b que meat perfectly. We had hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken, and potato salad. There were five pies there. I got to bring home a chocolate cappacino pie, and I ate the whole thing in a single day. It was a good time.


wow…that’s great !! glad you got out and mingled…I bet you looked smashing…


Sounds good :smiley:

Fingers crossed you’ll meet up and enjoy some time together!


Good job :clap:

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Wow that’s great.
I wouldn’t dare

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Geez, well done !

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Wow good going @GoldenRex!

I pushed myself to go to my brothers house yesterday with my father for a Father’s Day bbq.
I’m glad I went.

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Reflecting on the night now I’m realizing that I didn’t come off that weird.

Usually I feel good at the time, then on further examination see all my mistakes.

But I really still feel good about it.

And I think I’ll text that girl this week and see if she wants to hang out,

My husband says I should make the first steps if I want to be friends with her.


that’s really great that you made a new friendy =)


I have enough friends and they are ok with my sz and with me not working. They know everything about me. But some ppl are not ok with that. If you have a partner its easier and looks better even if you have sz and not working.

They even saw me fully psychotic either from smoking weed or stopping meds.

Thats great! I only have one friend in my city and we only hang out every other weekend or so because he goes to Paris a lot

I should go to a bar and just chat up some people since theyre open now. Maybe Ill have a similar experience

Anyway congrats!


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