So it turned out my disability claim was denied because we get too much retirement benefits from my husband. I was hoping I’d get approved to help pay for my medical, prescription and appointment expenses. I’m bummed out.
My mom was denied multiple times. She kept appealing and after a couple of denials she got approved. Her chronic bladder disease is rare, most people didn’t understand how painful Interstitial Cystitis is.
I would call a social security disability lawyer, tell them the details, and get a second opinion. These lawyers take cases for free on the condition that they get a percentage of your initial backpay.
Your husband’s money isn’t your money, even if you share it. That’s a horrible reason to deny someone in my opinion.
EDIT: This is all assuming you live in USA
Sorry to hear that Cici2.
That’s not easy.
I was denied the first time I applied for disability. Like @agent101g suggested, I got an attorney who specializes in disability and he appealed my case. It didn’t take long after that and I was approved. They know exactly what Social Security looks at and how they make their decision and it’s good to have them on your side. The fee came out of my back pay and everything worked out in the end. Hope you can get this straightened out and get what you need. Good luck!
Thank you 151515
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