Got denied again for social security

It’s just a long ans frustrating process. I also feel like it’s putting my life on hold. I can’t look for work while i’m applying for social security and if i get denied a third time i might just give up on it and look for work. I’m tired of not being able to do anything with my life.

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What if you get a lawyer?

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If you make less than the SGA you can still be approved for SSDI. I am not sure about SSI though. I would get a lawyer though.

You do not have to pay the lawyer they take it out of your first check and you will get it first time.

My dad has chronic back pain and was trying to get disability, but the judge said he was faking it so he didn’t get it either. Sucks!

I was denied the first time out, as many people are, and I then got a lawyer who specialized in SSDI/SSI. I was then approved. He really knew his stuff and they took the fee out of the back pay I was awarded, as @JadeyJade said. Might be worth looking into.

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Years ago, I went to the free legal services, and they gave me a legal aid who went with me to the hearing. It cost me $2.


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It seems that in both the UK and US there is an official policy of trying to screw the disabled. It very much reflects our socially reactionary times.