Wanted to let you all know I’ve been approved. I need to have a payee but that’s ok. I have my dad and my fiance. So I’m not too worried about it. I did freak out in fear of misuse but when ssa said sometimes they have random evaluations to see if my needs are being met and I can report misuse and the payee has to prove where the money is going I wasn’t too worried after that.
I get ssi now until ss kicks in bc I got approved for both but can’t have both. So I have one until the other processes. This is such a blessing.
Lucky duck. Some people it takes them forever to get on social security. I dont have anyone to use as a payee so i had to use lutheran social services and man do they suck. I still havent received my check this week.
Way to go. I applied for disability because getting a job the normal way is taking too long and I feel I should have some income in case a good enough job doesn’t ever come.
well good for you. as long as you don’t try to work part time or full time even they won’t review you I don’t think. I know I can’t work so I don’t try. I have become dependent on my disability check.
Thanks it took a lot of crying and anxiety and calling my insurance for dates and addresses and phone numbers. Trying my best to keep track of paperwork and building a relationship by forgiving my dad of his crimes and dealing with my fiance the best I can. It’s difficult but I always have a mentality where I have to do what’s best for me bc most people try to take advantage or set me up (my paranoia). I spend a lot of time planning and trying to get around bad outcomes but my paranoia has paid off somewhat. I hate that they won’t pay me directly but it’s better than nothing. My insurance was able to back date from when I was a minor so it helped. I don’t get a lot but if I ever have to be on section 8 (which i hope not) but I’ll do what i have to do to survive.
I tried everyone elses way for 3 years and nothing. I did my way and it took 2 1/2 months. By being honest.