I went to my local violin store because he was selling me a cello pick up for less than half (it’s used), and I walked out with a violin rent to buy
Do you know how to play it?
It’s beautiful. I love the round rosins! Mine have always been rectangular.
Wow, violin good luck, its also very noisy so you gotta be careful, is there anyway you can make it quieter if you practice in house etc
@PinCushion no but I play cello so I found it easy to make notes
@daydreamer I live in a house and no one has complained yet about my instruments luckily
I love listening to a good fiddle player but I can’t play one. To small. The smallest I can manage is the viola. I hold them Irish style against my upper arm and chest sideways. I think all arco playing is fun. I used a bow a lot on the string bass.
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