Anyone play violin?

I used to play for a few years but quit to prepare for my bar mitzvah. Now I want to get back into it.

Anyone play violin or a similar instrument?

Any violin brands I should consider that sound good, are comfortable, and easy to afford?

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I used to play in elementary school and middle school. I played for 6 years.

Quit when I went to highschool because there was no strings class at my school and my parents couldn’t afford private lessons for me.

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I played piano at age 14 but had to quit after a year because my dad sold my piano because he was broke again and needed the money.
I didn’t start up with piano again until I was 46. I’ve been playing almost 19 years now. I’m at grade 6.

I took up guitar at age 15 because it was offered for free in junior high school. I didn’t continue in it because it was only offered that one year and not in high school at all. My parents couldn’t afford private lessons.

At age 34 I tried to take up private guitar lessons. But I was just too severely mentally ill to focus on my studies.

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I play the flute okay ish. Im at about grade 4 i think but im struggling sometimes keeping time

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