@LED I just went to the store to pick up coffee creamer (I run out of the medium sized ones in about three to four days, and in about a week for the big ones), and I saw the natural bliss sweet cream coffee creamer you were telling me about that one day! I thought of you instantly
I had to find the old topic that you brought it up in to make sure it was the right kind and to make sure you were the person before posting this. I may remember unimportant things, but don’t count on me to remember the details, lol.
Sorry to everyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I don’t know how to private message.
Thank you! I’ll try to remember how to do it if I ever want to send a private message in the future. I wouldn’t say something publicly that was said privately on here. I was referencing a topic that she mentioned the coffee creamer in. Thank you for telling me how to do it