Guess I’ll have to use the powdered coffee mate until I go out later on. Maybe I’ll buy myself a coffee from Tim Hortons later.
Powder stirs in fine
I usually use the powdered stuff but i’m living with my parents now and they buy the liquid creamer. I guess one is just as good as the other.
Liquid’s fine too
Timmy Ho
dies and is ded
Uhhh McD’s? lol
I need to get some powdered creamer. It’s good to have backup.
I bought.a big tin because I hate milk in my coffee and i always forget to buy cream. Powdered is okay but 18% cream is so good
I actually prefer powdered, is that weird?
McDonald’s has good coffee ️
I know quite a few people who like powdered cream. Just a matter of opinion.
I like liquid or powder. You can make liquid from the powder to get you through. Its usually a 1:1 ratio of powder to water. I like to add vanilla
Vanilla sounds great! Sometimes I add cinnamon to the coffee grounds
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