Thanks @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter!
I also need a new therapist
Good ones are hard to find.
So many bad ones.
Many of them don’t have experience with patients with psychosis. My therapist was only asking about the activities I did. No advice, no coping skills, nothing.
@Wave, I did CBT in PHP, we did it in a group and filled out papers, is that like a CBT therapist? or can the therapist be doing CBT and you wouldn’t even know it cause its all in the language?
I’m looking for a therapist that is familiar with CBT.
I’m also searching for a therapist that specializes in mood disorders and psychosis.
I guess you didn’t understand my question… forget it, I cant explain myself
Where I live they offer special CBT for psychosis
It’s sometimes just in the language.
You wouldn’t know it @Winterblues.
I’m glad to see you move on and I hope you find a therapist that’s a better fit!!! Good luck @Wave
Good luck @Wave. I’ll pray for you.
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