I felt horrid after this

The guy with down syndrome on the bus kept asking me questions like do I have a boyfriend and then it got to if I’m.gay and then he started shaking hands. But that’s when it got uncomfortable…but I had to leave.


Yeah, you did the right thing, you didn’t owe him anything. It would have been OK to be polite to him but as soon as he starts touching a stranger weirdly than all bets are off and you have the right to be rude or cold.


I agree with @77nick77,

He was pestering you,

Then got touchy.

You had more than enough reason to get out of there.


It’s acually good for people with developmental delays when you don’t let them get away with things just because they’re different. He needs to learn that it isn’t acceptable to do those things.


A Down’s Syndrome individual doesn’t know how to be socially appropriate, a lot of times, and it’s not their fault. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by his physicality.

It’s just like with anybody else you have to have good boundaries, well done.


I agree, if they want to be social, it’s good that they learn what’s acceptable, and more importantly, what’s not.

When anyone asks me a question that makes me uncomfortable and I can’t walk away, I like to pause, look them squarely in the eye and ask them mater-offactly “Why would you ask me a question like that?”
Then I redirect the question back to them-with a bit of a laugh.
This gets the attention back on them.

If they are a creepy creep, I would probably have to respond with “And you are (Who?)” in a loud enough voice to draw attention to us.
Creeps don’t like others being drawn into thier attempts at dominating their prey.


But maybe he did. I have sympathy for him but if Ish hadn’t gotten out of there he might have taken that for encouragement and went further. I guess it’s a balance between the fact that he is only human and is interested in sex and pretty women despite having Downs Syndrome. and how much is a stranger on a bus supposed to overlook and put up with from a male she does not know. Maybe Ish could have helped him and told him politely what he was doing wrong if she felt like it to educate him but it wasn’t her problem to worry about.

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