He said …i just wanted you to give me tenderness. He acted as if it was my fault that i didnt. And i actually felt guilty for not letting him touch me while his appearance made me womit. Any advice guys?
when is the second date?
I have seen him three or four times at the bus stop and every time we talked alittle. But it was a casual chat …not like i wanna get to know you or i like you. Nothig personal. What is it with men? What is this …i blame you if you dont give me physical love? How can you blame someone for not sleeping with you?
I think i already got it. No need to anseer my questions.
he’s a weird dude, that’s all. don’t generalize all men.
Yeah I think he’s just a sick individual and you should avoid him at all costs. Or call the police.
Lol!!! 1515151515
this is not funny @Griz and no @anon62371846 you shouldn’t feel guilty.
You have a full right to your body, if somebody made sexual gestures towards me I would be very angry.
It is not funny, we have full rights over our bodies
and if he even touched you intentionally and against your will it’s a disgrace.
It’s a tactic to get you with him. It’s sounds old fashioned though. Shady men play games.
i don’t think it’s funny i was trying to get her to laugh with my 2nd date comment
No. Please do not feel bad. He seems like a weirdo… I would keep the chats short and avoid making those convos long by asking mroe questions…
It is sick…
A guy like this counts on the fear and reluctance of his victims to take action against him. I don’t know what kind of legal recourse you have, but this guy needs to learn his lesson. Tell him you don’t like what he is doing and you want him to stop. Tell him you will contact the police if he keeps on. There probably aren’t any charges that can be brought against him, but this might put him on the police’s radar so that he can get in real trouble the next couple of times he does it.
@crimby you know your stuff, you were yourself afraid of getting harassed and coerced into
sexual relationships against your will you know how awful it is.
Tell him your brother is a U.S. Navy SEAL
I agree with Crimby. It is an intimidation tactic. He is trying to make you feel like you have no power to stop him. Next time you see him, threaten to call the cops if he touches you again. If he touches you anywhere in the “bathing suit” area, he can face sexual assault charges. Even if he didn’t, report his actions to the police, because he might get charged with harassment.
If you have a friend you can take the bus with, that also might deter him from trying anything. But I realize that’s not always feasible.
Just remember it is not your fault. He has no right to touch you, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for standing up for yourself.
Please don’t let him touch you.
You have that right!
If he does it again - press charges.
Do you know his name? You can call the police right now if you like. You shouldn’t feel guilty, because he is the one who broke the law. And broke the basic rules of human decency.
I was once on my way home from work or something … I felt a hand touch me from behind I thought maybe at first it was an accident but now I wish I turned around and gave him a piece of my mind.
THat’s illegal and you don’t have to put up with it. THe guy knows what he did was wrong. You did nothing wrong.
Erez is basically right. Don’t beat yourself up about thinking you were wrong. Many victims of sexual abuse or violence blame themselves. But they shouldn’t.
I don’t want to scare you but hopefully the guy is not dangerous. I don’t how to put this tactfully but…some men take advantage of mentally ill women . And physically disabled women too. It happens. I don’t have any suggestions for you but hopefully the guy will leave you alone. Be careful. The guy knows he should not be touching someone who he barely knows. 5th grade guys know this already and as an adult this guy knows it too.
People making excuses for these people is why they get away with it. Don’t make excuses for ■■■■■■■■. He’s not just “a weird dude”.