I feel this confusion

Hey ppl.
I feel this confusion about myself and my life.

Do I trully understand reality? I mean, hell, maybe there are still lots of moments when I am kind of delusional or missinterpret something? Maybe I am hallucinating from time to time while not realising it?

Because some days it feels like I am quite good. Some days it’s different. Most people around me are quite sure I do understand everything what is hapenning, they say I am not psychotic anymore, but how to be sure?

I am on highest dose (6mg) vraylar, and I am hell no sure if it’s meds or simply I am not ill anymore. My pdoc is very positive about my future… though, there are some things in my life which I do not understand. Somedays the same person can seem like a normal person to me, the other day I have this confusion about the person.

As I started working, I started realising that probably I am OK. I realised I am capable of communicating with tons of different people, I learnt that I can and do learn new things, I am also being very cautious and I check sometimes do I see what other people see… (I mean, I try to understand whether I interpret reality normally)
But I still have tons of questions… :confused: It’s hard to explain, but I feel so so so lost.

I told the story about my cognitive test numerous times, which showed I still can have “psychotic thoughts” but probably never be fully pscyhotic again (that’s how my pdoc explained that.)

And I am not sure why am I so afraid to turining psychotic again. Probably what I fear the most is the fact, that it’s disconnection from reality. I just want to be sure that I truly understand everything…



Enough characters

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Who knows, maybe no one truly understands reality. I kind of make up my own theories and just live by them. Lmao


Haaa, that’s cool @Zoe ^^
Somehow this-

Made me feel a bit better :slight_smile:


You not alone girl, we are all just going with the flow.

Even the scientists don’t truly know. Lots of theories out there but no way, to really know the ultimate truth behind reality, at least not at the moment, it seems

It’s great your keeping busy.

How is vraylar treating you? Compared to abilify.


I try not to think that deeply about life philosophically, just stresses me out!


It’s not bad, actually. I am feeling well. @Zoe

I am also trying to look at the bigger picture… hell no one is sure what really Sz or psychosis is… Most people say I am totally normal.(well they didn’t saw me during psychosis :D)

My goal now is to stop meds one day: my pdoc says it’s very possible :slight_smile: hey what about you? Can you tell me about your life nowadays?


Haha I know what you mean @MisterApple

:slight_smile: such thoughts comes to me naturally…


Oooh fun goal. Just be careful not to be tempted to stay off meds for longer than a day or so if you start to get psychotic. Because the longer you are in a psychosis state, the harder it can potentially become to treat…, and also there’s the trauma factor. I hope you manage to get off it for good though!

I’m doing… Normal, lol.

Got a job interview this upcoming Monday again. Hoping this might be the job for me
Won’t see my friend this weekend because I feel a bit antisocial atm.


Yea psychosis is weeeeeird. I think ultimately it is disease even though it can sometimes feel so… Designed, and organised, and such.


Ye ye I will be very careful:))
Wish you the best of luck with job interview :heart::heart: and yeah these days I feel quite antisocial too. :confused: also i feel sick and need to go to job tomorrow:D

In my opinion psychosis is not always illness: it could be a symptom of anything. It shows that smth went terribly wrong :sweat_smile:


May i ask what job it is?? @Zoe


It’s a cleaning job. It is a full time position. I hope I like the team😌


Good team is the most important thing… the atmosphere in job has to be good @Zoe


Oh no how comes you feel sick is it stomach or general aches,…?


I believe it’s either flu or virus… :confused:


Is it OK to take the day or 2 off atm?

Oh edit, sounds like you can’t.

Try to get extra sleep tonight if you can


Just give it time… if you are recovering I suspect eventually you will build some confidence about your new situation?


I hope you feel better. I have trouble being with reality. I take medicine and I still have trouble experiencing with reality. :smiley:


I think as soon as I stop reacting to the neighbors bothering me my mental health is going to improve dramatically. If they don’t destroy me first.

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Sounds like what I think I’m going through