I feel so lonely

I’m sorry you feel lonely. I understand. I feel lonely sometimes too and I’m home with my folks most of the time. There’s only so much they can handle when it comes to my illness so I can’t really talk about that with them. We recently moved across the country and I miss my old friends back home. I need new friends where I’m at.

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I’m also lonely especially at weekends

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are you comfortable being alone with yourself? or do you generally look to fill your time with others?
maybe it could be that?

big hug.

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Saying something surprising got yelled at in my house. Children don’t always know what not to say or if they’re angry, they know and say it just to make someone mad.

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I have the Lord, too, but I still feel alone. Happy for you that you feel better now!

I’m usually content to stay in the room, I just feel disconnected.

I question if it is because I am on my phone, but I still feel lonely when I am not on my phone all day.

Yes! I can relate to this. There is so much of my life (hallucinations, delusions, counseling) that I can’t talk about.

I want you to find a partner! Rooting for you!

Yes, like me. I am in love, I am not alone, but I feel lonely. Do you know why?

I hope you are able to make friends. Do you know where you will meet people?

What changes on the weekends for you? Do you work during the week?

Thank you. I spend two days a week alone. I am comfortable with it.

I’m sorry that was your experience. Have you healed?


@FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter I think it’s because Angie is such a solitary person…we don’t interact much …I am a needy lover.

@jukebox I’m needy, too. My husband is steady and content to be alone.

Be good company for yourself, your own best friend. I know, easier said than done. Self criticism pops into the mind so easily. Then it gets locked in because it makes us tense.:unamused:

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This used to be my problem. I found it all online; people and researching, and then teaching and higher thinking.

I research and think binge with the internet, and it helped me to recover nearly 100%. It would not have been possible without it.

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