I feel so crazy right now

I cant explain it.
Tv says what i say or think

I hope the dose increase kicks in soon for you.

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Try relax Om close the tv for a while.


I have fear, paranoia.
Voices, trumanomatrix etc.
All at the same time.
My mind is open wide

Maybe listen to some peaceful or relaxing music, or go outside for a walk? I would deff not watch tv if its upsetting. My mom has stopped/I have stopped watching tv altogether, too stimulating and nothing good is on anyways.

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My mind boils.
It’s like a nightmare

Yes, tv drives me crazy

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Im here for you…

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Thank you, @anon69073975 .
I should turn the TV off and go for a ride with the car

If you can handle that, yeah that may be relaxing, I was feeling restless and just got a ride to the local gas station, and got a bunch of comfort food, snacks and drinks. Hope you feel better!!

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Wishing you good things Om, it can get rough.

You’ve got a lot of people who want you to feel better.


I’m out of my mind.
I speak nonsense.
Maybe i should call my psychiatrist


When i have paranoia and anxiety,
my brain gets disorganized.
I shout, jump, run, cry etc.
Why can’t i find peace of mind?
Nothing lasts forever.
Not sanity either

Take care of yourself friend. Do you draw or make anything like crafts that can distract you?

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sorry to hear you going through all that… i hope you can feel better soon…

i hope the upped med will kick in soon!

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I talk with my grandma and i get distracted.
I need some company


I hope so too. Thanks

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Yeah, company can help me out a lot too.

Take care, Om.

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When I get as upset as you describe, anxiety makes it worse.


I have anxiety and paranoia on top of this.
A few hours ago i was scared thinking that
someone would kill me.
Now the idea stopped, but the feeling remained