I cant explain it.
Tv says what i say or think
I hope the dose increase kicks in soon for you.
Try relax Om close the tv for a while.
I have fear, paranoia.
Voices, trumanomatrix etc.
All at the same time.
My mind is open wide
Maybe listen to some peaceful or relaxing music, or go outside for a walk? I would deff not watch tv if its upsetting. My mom has stopped/I have stopped watching tv altogether, too stimulating and nothing good is on anyways.
My mind boils.
It’s like a nightmare
Yes, tv drives me crazy
Im here for you…
Thank you, @anon69073975 .
I should turn the TV off and go for a ride with the car
If you can handle that, yeah that may be relaxing, I was feeling restless and just got a ride to the local gas station, and got a bunch of comfort food, snacks and drinks. Hope you feel better!!
Wishing you good things Om, it can get rough.
You’ve got a lot of people who want you to feel better.
I’m out of my mind.
I speak nonsense.
Maybe i should call my psychiatrist
When i have paranoia and anxiety,
my brain gets disorganized.
I shout, jump, run, cry etc.
Why can’t i find peace of mind?
Nothing lasts forever.
Not sanity either
Take care of yourself friend. Do you draw or make anything like crafts that can distract you?
sorry to hear you going through all that… i hope you can feel better soon…
i hope the upped med will kick in soon!
I talk with my grandma and i get distracted.
I need some company
I hope so too. Thanks
Yeah, company can help me out a lot too.
Take care, Om.
When I get as upset as you describe, anxiety makes it worse.
I have anxiety and paranoia on top of this.
A few hours ago i was scared thinking that
someone would kill me.
Now the idea stopped, but the feeling remained