I feel like my life is over with

Sza depressive type ocd ptsd. It’s getting to where I can’t remember if I took something. Meds. People are cussing me out and I’m just end of just feeling like ■■■■ every day. I think about the bridge all the time.


I do not know how to help. Maybe just a few words. I think that survival is the most important thing. Maybe you could talk with somebody in a real life. Just the fact that you writing here is a good sign that you can find some meaning to your life. We all have troubles but life goes on. I would tell a joke, but I can not . As I remember you are in TX, I have been there four times. Life goes on.


I’m so sorry you’re struggling this much. I remember being there in the height of my psychosis. It’s a terrible place to be. Do you have any way of seeking even temporary solace from it all?

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Sending virtual hug.

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Get a pill box @roxanna . Otherwise you’ll end up missing doses or double dosing.

Edit: this could be happening already and could be why you feel bad.

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I’m so sorry you are struggling so much!

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Were all here for you Roxanna! Talk to us…

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Is there anyone IRL you can talk to?

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I hope you feel better @roxanna.

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Yeah I’m about to call crisis and my mom


I have a smartphone app that i can open and check off my daily pill, and i can also set a reminder for myself at a specific time every day, and the reminder stays until i tell it that i took my pill.


I need to get one of those. I get confused. Thx

Mom said do hobbies. Crisis told me to go to hospital. Which I don’t like. Aaargh

Buy a notebook. You can put your thoughts in it.


The app i use is just called “daily pill” and it’s on the play store (dont know about apple) but it doesnt have a setting for if you have to take pills multiple times a day.

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Call your crisis to me. I too feel as though my life is over. Reality has no right to make this so.

To cheer my self up right now I am listening to a song.

Feel love. Feel what the world majority truly thinks of you.


Do you have an Android phone @roxanna ? Get the free MyTherapy app. It helps me track meds and avoid double doses. I love it.

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I’ll look into that. Thx.

My brother told me about this guy who had tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. The guy lived through the fall and the impact, but he said the second he left the rail he realized he could solve every problem in his life, except the one he had just created for himself by jumping off the bridge. The point is - Don’t think it is the end until it really is the end. You’ve got a lot of living ahead of you. You’ll find satisfaction in your life before you die.


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