Yeah, someone told me that I think I’m special and I might reply, “No, I’m not even spatial.” I have been working on my eyes and have now experienced depth perception. I didn’t used to know what it is. But I can only know it for a moment because of the concentration required. Then I fall back to having no sense of distance.
I found it entertaining
Just be prepared for a bit of this when you give it a shot in RL:

EDIT: Also, how is it that this dude can pull off a receding hair line AND stash even while demonstrating confusion and I cannot achieve either, even with my most astute expression.
What is RL?Y Yeah, that guy does look confused.
Real Life. Yep, I think I must have spent too long inside a computer.
Oh, is that a picture of you?
Mate, if I could pull off such a convincing display of confusion like that, I would be famous - on celebrity cherades! My facial expressions range from blank to a little less blank. Hence why I enjoy emoticons on the internet
oh. ok. I’m still relatively new to the amazing abilities of a computer.
Oh well you’re in for a treat then! There are thousands of short videos/animations like the one above out there to choose from. I only recently discovered them myself and am probably pissing a lot of people off with my obsession in posting them though!
This (not-animated) one, for example, conveys my sense of conflicted feelings on the topic.
EDIT: though that is an expression I could pull off in RL!
EDIT 2: Sorry for hijacking your thread. I shall depart now.