Poll: Does this optical illusion work for you?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


that’s really weird huh =O

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Very cool! Awesome trick.

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that’s weird huh =D

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Neat video.


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Hmm…you got a no from Chordy

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@PinCushion !

Did you vote no by mistake? Or do you not see what the guy in the video says you’re supposed to see?

It would be super interesting if you didn’t see the illusion.

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What was it supposed to be? It just looks like a pen stuck through a window to me. I do have stereopsis so everything looks like a picture to me, anyway.


The pen is supposed to magically move THROUGH the window. Also the window is supposed to appear to move back and forth even though it is going in circles.

Well, there was no motion in my sighting of it. I did notice a little motion in the second picture. I have been working to overcome my stereopsis so that was exciting to me.


I like vanilla and strawberry

It’s a video @PinCushion , did you press the play button in the middle. Maybe that’s what’s going on. It’s not a picture.

Gotcha. Stupid me didn’t know it was a video. I didn’t notice the play arrow.

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Well I would say that the theory about diagnosing sz with that video is a bust. 31 mostly sz and sza all saw it. Unless maybe it was meant for low functioning sz. IDK.


Yes, exactly ! :joy: So much for it’s diagnostic properties.


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