I’m feeling happier though, because my father is being extra nice to me.
I can relate. My dad helps me out so much financially. And he is in his early seventies. I want to repay him somehow one day. I hope it doesn’t get too late for that.
I just feel guilty when he’s often teaching away whilst I’m lying in bed binge eating.
My sisters got Lasik surgery in about 1999. I was broke and they didn’t want to see me go without so they both chipped in and got me the surgery. I didn’t ask but I was grateful of course.
My whole family did a lot for me and for quite a few years I managed to help them a little too. I was in my late thirties and early forties and I did yardwork at all my families houses.
My dad and sisters used to travel a lot and I not only housesat for them but I drove them to the airport and picked them back up when they came home. My sister started her own small business and hired me to drive the U-Haul truck full of furniture. A few times she had me go to U-Haul by myself to rent a truck and then return it a couple of days later. And she hired my nephew too. And her best friends two teenage sons.
None of them had the work ethic my dad installed in me and they did a lot of standing around or working slow. It was very gratifying to outwork some teenagers but I could have used more help.
I also used to watch their animals while they were gone and feed and walk them.
I get it too. My sister is letting me live in her house. I got the whole house for me and my spouse was I lost my job cause of my paranoia I do feel so bad not posting her and she Venmo s me extra spending money. All while I wait for my disability SSDI. I feel she is doing too much for me.
I want all my teeth out and just have dentures but it’s so expensive.
I don’t know how to deal with the guilt too.
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