I feel bad for the dogs

My daughter doesn’t have any place to keep the dogs so she had no choice but to take them to the pound. The Humane Society went and got them and are working hard to re-home them but it doesn’t look good. One dog is sweet and very well behaved but older so it might be hard to find her a home and the other dog has bad potty habits and is aggressive towards strangers so she will be extremely difficult to re-home. My son in law is working with them to help with anyone who shows interest as far as helping them get to know her, but so far no takers. They have till Wednesday before the dogs are put down. I feel so bad.

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Sad!!! That’s so depressing😢 I hope someone takes them!

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I know, I know. Me too

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man, that’s depressing…I hope everything works out…

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Why do they have to put them down cant they just live at the pound?

They only have one week to find them a home before they have to be destroyed sadly. I know it is cruel. But this is what my daughter is telling me.

That is sad. I’ve been watching some animal rescue sites on Youtube, and some of the conditions those animals are in are extremely bad. Some times they’ll get a dog or a cat with broken legs, and they have to operate to put pins into their broken limbs. I’ve had a cat for a few months now. She has some adolescent kittens, and I think she is pregnant again. I need to get her spayed, but I don’t know how I’ll get her into the carrier. She’s pretty skittish. I had a male cat I was able to get neutered, but he disappeared. I’m hoping he got in with a loving family.

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Sorry to hear about the pups, @Leaf.

Sometimes the shelter’s choice is breed-specific: bully breeds (pit bulls, etc.) are unfairly discriminated against in certain pounds. In no-kill shelters, they’ve got a better chance at rehabilitation and adoption without a deadline.

Hoping they get re-homed to a nice family :sunflower:

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THIS is why I keep telling my daughter - who desperately wants a dog - not to get one until she owns her own house. Nothing worse than having to give up a pet to possibly be destroyed. It haunts you.

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