I feel manic and I want to just stay on course for some odd reason. I feel like running naked through my neighborhood while I chant to the lizard king. How do I slow this feeling?
I’m actully scared too. Really jumpy. Shaking on the inside. Paranoid as hell.
Sounds like you need to see your pdoc. Are you on any medications?
I’m on cymbalta and seroquel.
Take a breather. Go for a walk (in clothes of course)
My brain feels like it’s searching for a signal. Very hard to focus.
It’s going to be alright. Try to distract yourself from your thoughts.
Call dr is only option
They’re closed though…
Don’t they have answering service with a dr on call?
No, they don’t answer after 4:00 pm
I’m going for that walk now.
Dang, all my drs have answering services
I wish mine did. I’m shaking. Don’t know if I’m scared or extremely energetic.
Ok, breathe in slowly then slowly exhale longer then you inhaled. Focus on your breathing. It’ll be ok…if really bad go to hospital
Ok, just going to breath. Trying to keep from crying.
Tears are ok focus on breathing in slowly exhaling slowly and longer than the inhale. Seriously if you need to call 911, do it
I’m starting to calm down a bit. But boy am I sweatin’. I feel lime I’m dodging bullets.
Just breathe you can do it
But 911 if bad k