What the actual heck?! I had no idea these things were actually pass fail. I thought they just gave potential employers an idea as to what type of worker you are. And by the way I’ve always done well on these yet it clearly says I FAILED all of them?! I really need a temporary job right now and Walmart seemed like a good option and now I have no hope there. Very discouraged.
Thats exactly what I thought…
I mean it’s an ‘assessment’ not a ‘test’. Isn’t that what assessment is supposed to mean?
Almost feels discriminatory to me. Does it feel like that to you?
Yes it does!! Also the questions were like “What are you most likely and least likely to do during this situation” I thought I gave great answers to all of them, guess not.
Yeah, me too.
I was like , great. They can take this information and use it to help me work out my weaknesses and build my strengths?
Nope… Guess not.
Land of equal opportunity? Not sure when that ideal is going to get off the ground.
I took one of those right out of college and didn’t pass either. I think I was trying to be to self-reflective and honest.
Keep trying jobs. I failed an interview for a physical job for disabled ppl at Canadia Tire. Its throught a governmental agency that has a contract with employers. I got accepted into a harder job on my own that’s not related to that agency.
They gave me an Excel IQ test, I passed it.
I worked as a video game tester where you write reports about game bugs and exploits.
I lasted 1 month before rage quitting. I can’t hold jobs, I quit by myself more than 15 different jobs.
I gave up on working because of my severe SZ symptoms.
Apply in-person. They need people right now and they will appreciate the initiative. Trust, its a big bonus
They look for certain key words or phrases, and use an AI to filter out responses that they don’t want. For multiple choice, you always have to pick whichever answer makes you sound most like a corporate stooge. No human ever glances at the worker assessments. They just use them to try and weed out disabled/ESL/LGBT/risk of unionizing/etc applicants without outright discriminating
I say you are overqualified and they don’t deserve you or your services.
I took one if those at CVS or Walgreens or something easy back in the day and gained as well. I reneger feeling like a real piece of ■■■■ after because everyone told me how easy they were and how you couldn’t fail then unless you admitted you’d steal or something, which obviously I didn’t do. I don’t know. I don’t like them.
Yeah I’ve never had an issue with pre employment assessments before. I’d say I’ve gotten interviews at 90% of the jobs I normally apply for. As for applying in person you can’t I went in and asked and they said everything must be done online, stupid. Anyway I applied for a sterile processing tech position at the hospital and we will see where that leads me, I’m keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
Yeah, I’ve gotten hired for every job I’ve applied for that didn’t use the automated questionnaire thing. That quiz is just ■■■■■■■■.
On answering some of those questions you can’t be honest. You have to answer what they want to hear and on others you have to keep yourself from looking bad. Stealing is kind of a “cut and dried” question, there’s no way you can condone stealing, whether it’s yourself or a fellow employee. It’s kind of an extreme example of a question that can only be answered one way. But there are similar ones.
I think I answered them all in a manor that was correct and ethical, but maybe somehow I miss read the questions
I once failed a Wal Mart application because I felt I deserved to earn more than the pathetic minimum wage that existed then. I was young and didn’t realize that flunking out of school and having a disability made me as low as dirt in employer’s eyes. I’m afraid that next time you need to lie on part of the test especially the psychological one. They will not give us a chance when it comes to being mentally ill. At least you are trying. (I once was in a job seeking class and a guy applying for a McDonald’s job was getting the answers for the psychological test from the instructor.)
I wonder if those tests just say you failed to random people to reduce the amount of applications HR has to filter through? I don’t know that for certain as it sounds like something a corporate giant would do.
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