I drink one cool blue gatorade a day

I’ve been having one a day. it’s so refreshing and hydrating. im addicted. sometimes I worry about the sugar and have tried the G2 kinds, but I don’t really like them, I can taste the artificial sweetener, whatever it is.


It’s the artificial colouring that is a worry. They’re always coming up with weird cancer scares about them.


haha. oh no. first you took away my hashbrowns, now you’re taking away my Gatorade…damn you @naturallycured haha jk. i’ll consider your words and think about giving up my Gatorade and living a pleasure-less life.

what do you like to drink? just alkaline water?


I am trying to quit coffee. I don’t have the robustness of health to eat whatever I want anymore, my schizophrenia is reflective of that. Maybe your physiology is stronger.

I kind of enjoy my vegan food, but the drinks have to be limited to juiced fresh veggies / fruits and alkaline water.

I just have to find pleasure in work, rather than food.

There’s always some damned thing wrong with the chemically distilled additives in food.


yeah I’ve owned a few juicers over the years. gets kind of pricey though.

im thinking of juicing celery, carrots, apples, and maybe adding a pinch of cayenne for my morning wake up call, instead of the coffee. what do you think of those ingredients? I don’t want to spend a lot of money, I hear it’s best to buy organic celery, is that true?

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It’s hard to go wrong with juicing. As long as it grows from the ground and isn’t poisonous / something you’re allergic to, you’ll get some kind of benefit from it.

It does get pricey though, for sure. Helps to extend the drinks with water, and don’t try to get full off of them, there’s so little juice.

I was into making smoothies for a while, but I got tired of it. Now I get my veggie servings from packaged broccoli slaw in a hummus pita, and sometimes mashed potatoes with greens (all with no oil.)

Pretty much convenience health food.

My main goal now, since my symptoms are so low, is to control my arthritis with diet. I keep slipping and eating a trigger food, and my joints flare up pretty much immediately.


one more thing, I see you’re vegan, do you supplement b vitamins or anything else? I didn’t believe in supplementation when I tried to be vegan. stuck with the diet for 4 years, never got any blood work during that time, but I was hallucinating wildly, later I thought maybe I wasn’t getting enough b-vitamins or something.


You have to supplement B-12 on a vegan diet. I take a MTHFR-friendly multivitamin (for undermethylators) that has that covered.

4 years is a good long time though! I’m only on my first week or so of full vegan.


is it true that you can get b-12 from dirt. one time I tried it. I ate a handful of dirt. haha.

That’s a bad idea, lots of pathogens in dirt. But you can get b-12 from dirt yes.


one more thing. @naturallycured are you ethically opposed to dairy or can you not tolerate it? sometimes I feel guilty for consuming dairy, but feel like I need it. I try to limit myself to no more than 2 servings a day.

4 years was most difficult, my family our all meat eaters. I had strong convinctions back then but gave up the fight as my mental health detioriated. and I felt like I was just making myself even more of a outcast. Indiana aint California, that’s for sure, but plenty of vegan options at grocery store, for us. vegan ice cream, vegan cheese, gluten free flours, amy’s soups and what not when you didn’t feel like cooking. the town im in now has no vegan options though, I have to go back to my hometown to do my grocery shopping, but it’s only 15 miles away.

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I sort of care about the plight of cows, but I figure that their treatment is pretty fair, and that they’ll be karmically rewarded for their misery after they pass on.

Dairy in general is not compatible with my joint health, so it’s a no-go.

As far as what makes hallucinations worse, I find extra protein does it, by way of the tryptophan -> kynurenine pathway (it increases kynurenic acid production, which causes hallucinations.)


just curious now. how much protein are you shooting for in your diet? I aim for 50-60 grams, but more like 80-100 if im weight lifting. I eat bean salads, nuts and seeds, cheese, heaping serving of peas, and I also put some whey protein powder in my smoothie, I’ve also tried pea protein and hemp protein. but Im not sure if im getting ripped off on the protein powder. im not convinced it’s doing anything. I feel like 50-60 grams of protein is healthier but sometimes Im vain and want to work on my muscles so will add more when lifting. do you think that is too much?

can coffee increase halllucinations? I was drinking 3 pots a day when I was vegan. now I only drink 1 cup a day, but am thinking of replacing it with the celery juice in the morning.

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Protein is surprisingly plentiful in the Western diet. Even 5% protein is enough for breast milk to support the rapid growth of a baby during his or her fastest growth period!

If anything, people are suffering from too much protein intake, causing an epidemic of kidney disease. Protein deficiency is pretty much unheard of in the Western world.

The caffeine in coffee definitely worsens hallucinations. Maybe switch to decaf if you’re hankering for it.

Switching to celery juice would be pretty optimal though.

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o I remember you mentioning trigger foods in the past. hope avoidance will help with your arthritis. nice talking to you @naturallycured. thanks for all the insight, you must spend a lot of time going through research.


Yeah, nice talking to you too! Hope you find the right dietary balance.


I used to drink do much blue Gatorade that it used to turn my poo poo green.


@ anybody what are the symptoms of kidney disease. Got pain in lower back.

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Lay off the soda if you have pain in your lower back. Also buy distilled water and don’t drink tap water.