I doubt I can do it

But I think I’m going to try to quit smoking. I’m not super motivated but I often have a cigarette and I don’t even really want it. Sometimes I don’t have a cigarette til lunch time. I need to set a date. Maybe next Monday. We shall see.


I stopped smoking. One thing that helped in the beginning was to drink water.

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you think it’s not going to be hard I got news for ya…it’s harder than you think…the reason you can go until lunch is because you have cigarettes…once you realize inside that you can’t do it anymore you will want one much worse…I am on day four again and I can tell you I will always want one but it is what it is. good luck.


I know you can do it. You quit before for 4 months. You can do it again. I stand behind you in total support.


Ya it’s easy when you got a pack but when you get home and don’t have any the addiction kicks in. Good luck maybe cut back and not go cold turkey

I have this trouble with chew

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I’m down to 6 cigarettes a day. I hate going outside in winter so I’d like to quit before then.


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