I don’t know if it’s a period or because of the anti-psychotics or I am just fed up. I took a project as an illustrator and now I don’t want to do it. My illustration looks horrible.
Anybody quit art while on medication?
@anon7022989 may be… she is a wonderful artist…!!
I still to art sometimes, but not in the magnitude that I used to do it when I wasn’t on meds.
Somewhere along the road I just lost the passion and spontaneity and lack of impulse control.
You’re not alone with losing motivation. I have no motivation to do anything I used to enjoy. I think getting back into tennis might help, but I know that’s a long way off.
I quit art - painting and drawing since being on meds and remaining relatively stable.
I lost a lot of my creativity since being stable.
I used to paint too, now I only paint rarely. I lost motivation
My main issue is motivation to travel to the art place. Its like one hour away
As I see I am not alone in this, I am happy I didn’t start a creative job!
@doodle is a great artist, maybe shes been there and knows how to cope
Is your job unsatisfying?
Yes, I don’t like my job but at least I don’t hate it anymore. When I come back from work the last thing I want to do is sit again in front of the computer or an easel. I want to go out and communicate. I guess I have to forgive myself and hope it will come back. My friend said she had this too and after some time her desire for art came back…So I can only hope…
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