I’m an amateur visual artist who also makes music on occasion. I was determined to be disabled due to SZA a few months ago and don’t have to work for a while. I thought this would be a great opportunity to paint and draw but i’ve done little to nothing over the past 3 months. Are you an artist and are you able to produce work? How do you get motivated to paint, draw, make music or write? Help! I"m completely frustrated and dissapointed with myself but I just can’t produce anything.
sounds like you may have depression? that usually really causes havoc for me when I want to play instruments or paint or draw. I have an art class that kind of forces me to pick up the brush once a week but I always feel better after completing a painting that way. I don’t know what your situation is really.
Drink a reaaaally big coffee then start
Thanks to the both of you. Its funny because i’m on my 3rd cup of coffee today. And thanks jukebox i may be depressed. With SZA i sometimes forget about depression being something i go through periodically but regularly. I am usually just so thankful when the voices quiet down that i don’t know how to function normally and i guess thats when the depression sets in. I think i’m just exhausted with it all.
Thanks Dr. Zen. Great artwork. I like the yellow leaves artwork also. Keep it up.
I have only written a few poems since my diagnosis–no painting or anything. But I have been in school for the past few years, so mostly I have been too busy to paint. Actually, though, I haven’t painted much even in the years before my diagnosis, except for a flower mural.
I was very productive in my episode. But now…nothing. I find no pleasure in anything. Anhedonia. I can’t paint if it doesn’t give me anything back. I miss it. But it’s gone for now.
Before meds, I did oil paintings, charcoal drawings, and poetry. On meds - nada… No interest, no motivation, and loss of memory set in. I am off meds right now and am finally getting feelings back… I am going to fight to keep it this time.
I don’t mention this much, but I have engaged in a couple of creative hobbies like drawing and writing. I produced more when I was psychotic, maybe better drawings. I produce better writing on meds. I am working on a book actually, science fiction. I used to draw a lot, now my drawings look half as good. I used to write psychotic stuff by hand, now I write on my computer like a normal person, and I write non insane stuff.
I drink a ■■■■ ton of caffeine. Beer sometimes makes me get ideas, caffeine makes me elaborate on existing ideas. I read a little thing on theoatmeal.com about caffeine vs alcohol for producing work.
I have been thinking about the next chapter for that story I am working on. I’m back in school so my brain is being stimulated. Over winter break I was like “no, imma go take a nap and then go socialize or see my family, I don’t wanna write.” Now I am back in my twisted reality and my mind is coming up with ideas. Simple reality does not breed many good ideas for me. That, or dating makes me more creative, I have been dating a girl for a bit lately. Just got home from a date with her actually. Gonna see her again tomorrow.
Now I don’t have time to write my ideas! Doge vs Cate.
It’s just temporary,just do things that you used to enjoy and wait for a change…3 years ago I would not have believe that I would function at this level…it’s not great but at least I am having peaceful and can have interest and go to work by contributing my little part,it’s a difference 3 years ago and now
My creativity has seen a boom since I was put on meds, before that I used to focus on physical fitness and did a bit of writing. Now since I don’t go out much, I like to paint characters in Photoshop. I’ll do minimum one artwork per month, I know it’s not much, it used to be at a more frequent rate when I smoked pot, as it was a good escape from the negative thoughts that plagued me while high. I’ll usually think about the kind of character I want to draw a few days prior then eventually get to work one morning.
I go thru fits and spurts too. Some weeks I’ll do some mixed media stuff everyday. Then other weeks nothing for weeks.
I haven’t written anything in a month. Partly because the mood hasn’t struck or I’m not forcing my myself to write. Something as simple as a piece of music can put me in the mood. It’s not that hard for me to start writing.
It was one of hospital OT programs that got me more into writing then I did before
The man in the wheelchair could easily be you
So somehow sympathy does sometimes come through
A missing limb is something that’s hard not to be missed
But generally you’d let them get their things of their chest until bliss
The hardest battle they really face is a mind game or two
An ugly black dog it’s been called by a few
Yet it sometimes understandable. I mean you can understand their fate
Bad luck, bad day or moments to late
Yet sometimes things happen to people that makes you think it’s just them
They have strange ideas. hear voices or try to fly on a hem
but there not always sick and some do quite well
Even though some days they go through their own private hell
But somehow the label sticks long after a a bad day has gone
It sticks in the head like a really bad song
Even when when they do quite well that person’s a loon
It really is a horrible tune
With mental illness there is no visible scar
No battle wounds to show in a bar
Yet the pain goes on sometimes years at a time
and some days it doesn’t get better like a fine vintage wine
Some get afraid of themself and the people around
Some are fighting a battle with invisible sights and sounds
some are unsure of there actions and mistakes can be had
It’s not always easy when you think all is bad
It’s all ways so easy to give them wide birth
some of the meds can really give girth
It can take a bit longer for some to say g’day
but something like friendship can make anyones day
I’m a working artist, i.e. photographer. I’ve been producing art both personally and professionally in the two decades since being diagnosed with Sz. I’m also into DJing and home podcasting. PM me if you want to see some of my work.
Hi guys,
I volunteer at a clubhouse and we are organizing a group exhibition in October.
Art is a very good way to exercise the grey matter, and keep busy.
I understand fighting inertia is difficult, I struggle too with negative symptoms, ugh.
However, try going to new places, like cafes, or parks and that sometimes helps getting inspired.
I have a site, if u pm me I will send u the address.
Keep on keeping on!
Cope the best u can.
i write songs… i have about 40 videos of songs on facebook since about 2012.
im still continuing… here is my anonymous youtube for here
Ouch. This hurts. It’s been a year since this post and I still have anhedonia. A year has passed. How many more will? Maybe not good looking back. Just see what’s coming. Recovery is in the future. Maybe some paintings too.
The best thing I can say to this is try even though you don’t have the energy, fight it, overcome yourself. You’re a strong person, I’m sure you can do it.