I don't have much joy

Everything feels like a chore and I’m always depressed and in pain. My hobbies bore me. TV hasn’t interested me in years.


I like to think that we all recover differently

But i do get you.


Same here. Nothing picks me up. Everything feels like a chore and I have to force myself to do things.


I feel the same, nothing seems to interest me either. It kind of unbearable boring. Hopefully I can get some help here.

It goes in waves for me, sometimes I have drive, other times not.

Same for me…my motivation comes in waves. You might just be in low motivation mode right now. I would say still try to do your projects but don’t freak out if everything bores you…it will pass eventually

Also…I know your on latuda. When my p-doc upped my does to max I felt really unmotivated for a while but it’s coming back because I’m trying. I know my situation isn’t like yours but just give it some time

You feeling any better?

oo friend me too iam too sad…