Doing things even if you don't enjoy them

For the sake of not being stagnant and apathetic, i really need to get into a hobby or something. but i literally am joyless at all times. i laugh bc i should, but inside theres no joy in anything.

Could be you’re just going through a phase.

ive been this way for a year though

Sounds like you’re depressed.

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Have you been depressed? How did you get out of it?

It will pass eventually. I’ve gone through prolonged phases in my life. That stuff changes in time.

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I wish i was patient :wink:

Not sure but I think deriving no pleasure from things can be a symptom of mental health stuff. I had this for a long while when on respiradone. When I switched started getting joy back.

have you ever mentioned this to the pdoc? maybe he/she could think of something that would help you.


she just told me to do things anyway, thats why i was curious about that idea. i dont see any point in doing anything if i cant enjoy it.

I would take some pills.

Yes. I tried to commit suicide. I don’t remember how it passed.

I can empathize with that “empty” or “hollow” feeling. I have it too. Sometimes I don’t care too much at all about my family, my friends, or anything else. My psychiatrist says that it’s part of something called “negative” symptoms. Things like loss of interest in hobbies, no motivation, depression, not speaking much…all “negative” symptoms.