Does anyone else have trouble with driving? I don’t have the coordination to drive and I was wondering if sz plays a part in this? I’ve also been known to have poor judgement. Basically it’s hard for me to drive.
I cant drive I can barely ride a bike
I don’t drive either anymore. I drove, badly, very badly, for 40 years. I didn’t have the quick thinking or the good judgement to be a good driver. I got into LOTS of accidents all of my life. I finally gave up driving two years ago after I got into five very bad accidents all in one year. Plus, I lost my car insurance. It was time. I’m very glad I’m not driving now. And I don’t miss it. I’m pretty sure my sza brain had a lot to do with it.
I don’t have a driver’s license. I’m not very observant, I have the attentionspan of a golden retriever puppy, and I tend to space out, so even though I have had numerous driving lessons, I’m pretty sure that me drivint would end very badly.
I’m sorry to hear about your accidents. That was always a big fear of mine. Everyone always pressures me about driving but with all the lessons and poor driving no one can take a hint that I just can’t drive.
I tend to space out too. That’s another one of my problems in driving.
I tend to space out too. But everyone keeps thinking I can do it. They’ve seen me drive and think that minor accidents are ok as long as I don’t die they say. I’ve told them I’d rather not risk it or anyone else’s life.
That’s exactly how I feel.
As long as I keep living in an area with good public transportation, I don’t really see a need for a car anyways.
Exactly. We also live where we have public transportation so I’m always able to get around. I know I shouldn’t listen to people, but they’re so nosey around here and they think they know what’s best for me. I get tired of them bringing it up at every conversation.
I can drive well my alters are questionable though. Only me and one other can drive “safely” 2 are susceptible to road rage and one cries every time cause they’re scared of it. Im a mess help me.
I enjoy my car so much. It gives me a sense of freedom.
I wish I had that ability as well as my ability to write like I use to. I thought I would do so well coming out of high school but it all went south. Now I’m just trying to hang in there.
Oh no, I also am too scared. This tears me up that I can’t do something that comes so easy to others.
It’s Ok! A lot of people are scared of driving. It’s very anxiety inducing. Don’t feel bad about it. Driving is hard!
I haven’t driven for months now. Suffered a major panic attack while driving and have been afraid to drive ever since. I used to love cars and driving, but sadly not now.
It IS hard, I agree
There’s a million things to be aware of all the time when driving, and it requires full attention and situation control, as well as good spacial awareness and the ability to make quick desicions.
I can’t do any of those things.
I’d most likely cause an accident if I got behind the wheel.
I’m learning. I don’t have high hopes though.
I don’t drive often. It’s been a long time since I drove regularly. Where i live it isn’t so bad but in big cities forget.about it I sold my car six months ago because I wasn’t driving it anyway.
I don’t have the concentration to drive. I used to drive and never had an accident but I was a bad driver.
tbh its more side effects that annoy me esp tiredness and dry eyes, sore head but its not all the time.