Anyone else have issues driving?

For some reason
It’s just really difficult for me to drive,
I’m barely conscious behind the wheel and ■■■■ up a lot,
It’s hard to explain with my illness and driving it’s just too much for me.

Does anyone else have problems with driving or can’t drive ??

I can’t drive due to concentration issues. It sounds like you shouldn’t be driving either.

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I don’t drive due to concentration and I just think it’s too difficult for me in general, interacting with the other car drivers and things.

I cannot drive. My judgement is too poor. Also I have poor reaction times and very bad depth perception as well. I simply can’t drive anymore. Really, I never could.

I have no problems driving but I can’t do alot of other things

I can drive but choose not too. I have problems concentrating and also have poor depth perception.

If I do drive I usually have my mother accompany me.

I can only drive to my pdr 5-10 min from my house. Anything more and I get lost and do accidents. When my SZ symptoms started at 18 y.o. I had one deadly accident where my car flipped in the air and landed on its top. I got out of the broken window. I felt I am in a movie.

The police told me to get a lotto ticket bcz I am one of the luckiest on earth to be alive bcz I was going at over 140kmh on the highway and my car slided on ice in winter.

I drove my car at 200kmh that night I was crazy.
I think I wanted to kill myself.

I don’t know if it was my hormones or my SZ.
Probably both. Bad combination.

I’m good at it but I do little illegalities sometimes, but never been caught.

I’m ok at driving but I hate it. I have to drive for my husband as he has epilepsy and it’s been the hardest challenge of my marriage. I have been driving for seven years but still don’t have licence. Tried six times but failed and didn’t bother to make appointment again yet. If I never needed to drive again I’d be so happy but I don’t have that luxury.

I have not been allowed to drive basically due to what my Mom described as an eye problem which has messed up certain aspects of my life which I have bitched about on this site frequently. I must admit now though that it would be difficult or impossible to do so now due to the effects of the meds as I sometimes nod off to sleep and have major problems with nodding off during the daytime. I also am not always very alert, and can’t see very well.

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