It’s weird. I wanna do something but also wanna do nothing all the time. Maybe its having no motivation. Im bored but nothing satisfies me. Im bored with TV. But i just wanna sit and got no interests. No hobbies or activities interest me.
It could be a side effect of the medication, talk about it with your psychiatrist.
Same with me, i rotate between the things that i used to enjoy. So some days i study, other days I’ll just enjoy music and some days smoke a lot.
I notice the days i walk more, eg, to my parents place and travel for other reasons, the days after are more productive. I’ll play games more or study more or read more and so on
I know what you mean. Entertainment doesnt entertain me anymore. I get the same amount of pleasure out of staring at a blank wall for a couple of hours as i do watching a movie or playing a video game. I think this has to do with the meds screwing with dopamine. Which is the reward chemical in ojr brains basically. But im no doctor.
I Agree. It does feel like a dopamine problem.
I wish i still had one. She moved away a year ago and the shitty clinic never replaced her and just left a bunch of people without a doctor.
Its called anhedonia its from the meds
Negatives were reported well before medications. Yeah it’s blurry but it’s not a simple thing. Meds help most not live in institutions or be subjected to barbaric treatments. Lets not just bash meds because it’s not a simple story and if you research it enough it’s probably quite the opposite.
I’d say getting rid of the positives with meds leads you to being more open to the negs simply because the meds don’t really work on them. That isn’t a causal relationship and it’s not from meds.
Even I get confused about my purpose of life as I have not much close ones or loved ones around me. I have not been able to do well since college days. Now I am bit ok to realise all of it. Just need hell a lot of time to recover or resucitate from the fall or bad phase.
I feel the same, not finding my place in the world.
Neuroleptics are known for blockinh dopamine and serotonine. Those two are essential for feelings and rewards. After my depot I become numb really not wanting to do amything.
The best reward seems to be food, icecream and juices and cigarettes unfortunately, but even thhose are not the same anymore
I have this problem. I aspire to do lots but wen it comes down to it, I do nothing. Lol
Maybe try going for a daily walk.
You would be surprised of all the good it can do!
Yea same same. Only certain things give pleasure or reward which is not a big deal for normies. It is a struggle to indulge in activities that are fruitful.
I feel like I have done nothing even if I have done something. Its hard for me to remember the key learnings from the reading or studying that I do. So it becomes a tough task and I delay it and delay it and I do it eventually and then think about it there is only blank space about it in my mind Lol…
I also feel like I have done nothing wen I do physical activity. Cos I used to be so much better at it and it was effortless now just walking is a f u c k I n nightmare lol…
Yea true. Walking is like dragging a cannon ball tied to the legs…
Prefer to have fit body and fit mind by just sitting and thinking and walking barely…
I had Anhedonia long before I ever was medicated. Sorry to say this but Anhedonia did improved in time with the right meds.
I agree with you jonathan I just booted my self for a brisk walk and that really helped.
I had it like you when I was your age. But thrust me time is the biggest healer so sooner or later most schizophrenics overcome that obstacle.
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