I did 7 pages

7 Pages out of 28 is pretty good and it looks good, it was all mostly edited, i had 2 pages of our hidden illnesses festival, Website Design/radio, Radio, New Stables Cafe, Lost at see poem, i did the Allotment page, i also helped with a lot of other things in the booklet. its a monthly publication.


Congrats on your hard work. What exactly is the booklet for? You did not really specify what it is. Something to do with your radio broadcast I’m guessing?

Its my clubhouse monthly magazine that i help with, i started out in radio with my clubhouse and i have my own show now and i helped another member start his show as well,

So it worked out great bc i asked him to help me on that page and he wrote his part about his show and made it look really good bc he is good at editing as well (its basically graphic design) but really good fun,

and i also added a pic and wrote my piece and a bit about the 21st anniversary gig i was at, the picture has the radio station mug and featured his 3 recent Albums with my boombox, his most recent is surface pressure (Scottish Hip Hop) its about the environment.

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That’s great. Congrats again.

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I wish i could share it bc its the best issue yet, my pal did a great piece on the titanic and drew an excellent pic of it and he also did a cartoon called Bob Ratchet who gets up to no good lol, he burnt all the sausages at a BBQ this issue

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