I can't stop my mind

I wish I could stop it from thinking crazy thoughts. It just takes me down these long rabbit holes of irrational thinking. I’ll have a train of thought and follow it and then afterward go “yup, that was crazy”. This happens ALL. DAY. LONG. How am I ever going to get a life when I still think wild, out of control delusional thoughts? Will they ever stop or have I conditioned myself to always think like this?

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At least you realize that the thoughts are irrational. I dunno. Obvious answer but, maybe consult with pdoc. Maybe new meds would help. Not sure what else to say. The fact that you are catching these irrational thoughts is a good sign.

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I’m reluctant to go on any more meds. I think I’ve improved a lot since I started coming here. Seeing other people with the same condition and how they handle it gives me a level of self awareness, which lends itself to having a better idea of myself and how I actually relate to the world.

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Understandable. A lot of people prefer to be on minimum dose that mostly controls their symptoms. Myself included. You’re going to have to learn to deal with these thoughts then. Maybe some therapy might be able to teach you some methods for this?

Yeah, I’m moving soon so I’m going to have to find a therapist when that happens in August. I need it though. Nearly everyone who is successful in recovery is seeing a therapist.

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