I can't sleep im totally wired up

Yes i can sleep in
Im just bit more chilled now

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Awesome - im sure the PRN and just not putting pressure on yourself - you’ll start wanting to sleep soon.

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when I can’t sleep I give up and make a pot of coffee and embrace the night…haha


Yeah tis fine

Im glad your ok :+1:

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we’re not out of the woods yet…have to wait until the wee hours of the morning. thanks though…that’s one reason I’m staying up.

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@jukebox hows your wife bearing up is she okay :+1:

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she gets really scared, she’s from Iowa, but Oklahoma has far more tornadoes than we used to get these days…she will be ok in a few hours…thanks for asking.

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Keep her warm with a blanket & a warm drink to settle her a bit x

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she is online looking at comedies…she is fine…thank you…she can’t drink before bedtime.

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Well let everyone know when its passed

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it’s just now starting…should be o k…the worst of it went west of us.

Right take care

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hows it going @jukebox

I heard about this guy who had around 25 million in bitcoin in his computer, but he forgot the password, and he couldn’t remember it. That must have been frustrating.

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Yes it is very frustrating that haha

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Did you sleep @anon85745701

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Yes i got 7 hrs!!!


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Time is so wierd, i assumed you been up since we spoke last.

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Nope definitely not

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