I can't shake the feeling that I tend to sound mildly mentally challenged when I talk

I’ve worried about this ever since getting schizophrenia. I’ve asked some people if I sound like that and they said no, plus several people have told me that I seem intelligent - without me even saying anything that I think sounds particularly smart - and if I actually did sound like I’m a bit mentally challenged they probably wouldn’t have said that. Still, it sounds like it to me sometimes when I hear myself speak. Speaking properly seems to require actual effort now, rather than just being easy and natural, and I feel like I’m slurring some of my words a lot of the time when I’m trying to speak without planning what I want to say beforehand. Does anyone else think this kind of thing has happened to their speech, too?


I think I can sound a bit ‘off’ when speaking. I’m not sure it makes me sound a bit simple though. It’s been said I talk too loudy. However on more than a few occasions people have misheard words, or asked me to repeat things, My voice can become more animated, and louder, if talking about things that really interest me.

Well, technically, everyone is mentally challenged during some part of the day. Just thinking is a challenge.

I sometimes sound childlike. Not challenged, but simple-minded

I think I come off slightly challenged. And I’ve developed this really annoying habit of repeating myself.

Absolutely me all over
Improves with age and practice
I used to be so down on myself about it
Bless you

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