I can't remember the last time I laughed

I feel down but tomorrow is payday so I feel like there is hope. Angie still hasn’t gotten a new job and both of us are depressed because it’s so hard for her to find work being a felon. I just wish there was more joy in our lives than just wishing tomorrow will be better.


Wishing you kinder times
And here is a joke i hope makes you laugh


That sounds rough, i hope things pulk througg for you. I think it is unfair to make it hard for all felons to get hired after they have already paid consequences. Mistakes happen to the best of us.

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Check 9gag. There are a lot of fun from 9gag Instagram account.

thanks everyone. I am trying to stay as happy as I can considering the situation. It’s just a matter of time.

Jukebox, I think you may try cutting the number of cigarettes you smoke daily. That way you will be able to save both money and your lung.


thanks @green5 actually I have cut way down on my cigarettes. I only smoke under a pack a day now. thank you.

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I don’t smoke, but I drink quality teas everyday which costs me a lot. About $100 each year. Every spring season I bought 1 kilo of Longjing Tea. That will last for a year.

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İ also heavy tea drinker.i drink 15type of herbal tea which cost me 50 dollar.i separate teas into 3 categories , one for liver ( clean and support liver) , one for antioksidan (help to protect cells from free radicals) , one for blood cleaning(this one also help to prevent diabetes).i think we( drug users) must drink at least two cup of herbal tea everyday.

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Artemisia ,latoriganum marjoranum ,Juniperus Communis , i drink this three type of tea for cleaning my blood from chemicals of drug that i use.

Sounds like you are a wise man/woman. I only drink teas for better energy and concentration plus a bit fun in everyday life. I know it has lots of health benefits, though. Those are extra bonus for me. :smile:

Are you able to find a part time job to help her out? Might make things a bit smoother

This has been one of the hardest years for me @jukebox, but I somehow find the silliest things to make me laugh, because life just seems a lot longer when you don’t.
A little prayer for luck to find you, and Angie to pick up some work.
Keep believing in luck to come your way, and think of the things that lighten your mood.
Hugs to you always.

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sending you lotsa good vibes :bouquet:

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(English is not my native language)

The other day we had an international guest and my parents made a cheesecake together. My dad explained his contributions by listing ingredients in English: “crumbled cookies, butter, and a special ingredient from the kok”.

Kok is Dutch for cook, but ah well, it sounds differently :blush:


I laugh a lot at the absurdity of my situation. My thoughts seem absurd. My symptoms are overwhelming. My life is a huge failure. I laugh it off. I know it is better to remain serious, but I just can’t bear it all. It helps to laugh it up.

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Last time I can really remember laughing must of been 5 to 6 years ago when I was off meds watching this comedian. Since then I kind of fake laughing.

Has Angie tried recruitment agencies?

I’m sorry you’re feeling down. It’s not fair that your friend/girlfriend? is having trouble finding work because of her past. I don’t think employers should be allowed to ask about past convictions. It just seems unfair when the person has already paid their debt to society.

Try making a list of things you are grateful for. This may help change your perspective. Good luck! :sunny:

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thanks everyone. there isn’t any such agencies around here in this small town @everhopeful thanks for all your replies. we should be getting a call any day now from all the jobs she’s applied for.

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