I can't control my time on this website!

Does anyone have the same issue?
I’m not sure if it’s good or bad lol.
How do people learn to restrict themsleves from going on here for too much?


i go out and do other things


When I have stuff to do on my laptop it’s pretty difficult

I need someone to whack me out of this habit lol.
in a nice way though :smile:


i doubt you need to be on your laptop 24/7 lol, take a break, go for a walk or a coffee, do something different.

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What?!? :space_invader:

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If you own an iPhone there is a new feature called Downtime that basically locks all of your apps for a period of time you set.
I used it last night from 10pm to 7am.

Other than this you are going to have to implement some self control.
I know it’s not easy.


@Wave where’s your moon?

Yeah, I get off and on on my laptop.

I usually pace a lot.

And clean.


lolss… I dunno. Nothing meant but someone shocking me with why i am spending too much time on here

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I decided I needed a change on my avatar.
It’s temporary @Daze. :smile:

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I can’t even remeber ur avatar except for the navy colour. How weird cos u are on here regualrly it seems

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This site is as vicious as Facebook. I have to study and do other stuff.

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@anon90843118 I understand, I was kinda kidding lol. It’s ok I think to be online :computer: :iphone:


As long as it doesn’t interfere with your daily activities is OK.

It’s your “drug of choise”… Most people have TV for that, Facebook, books, memes, yt, etc


Don’t change avatar,it’s great!Also,I like very much @Moonbeam best.


I’m the same way. I spend a LOT of time on this site. Pretty much anytime i’m online i have a window open and keep checking the forums.

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I’m on this site pretty much all day until my mom gets home. It helps me feel less lonely talking to like-minded people. Making friends is easier online. In person it’s more of a chore and I often find myself not wanting to get up and do anything anyway. Maybe my mind will change when I start college. Or I could completely go off the rails. Either one.

Did I mention I’m worried about college?

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Youll be fine :))))

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Thanks, I hope you’re right.

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