I cant be around people

My brain goes on over drive. I get paranoid and socially anxious and just over all lose function. This just started. I know its probably because im not on meds right now and ive been so socially withdrawn. Work was hard, i had to leave early. I felt like i was on a constant stage and people could read my mind. I lost my sense of space and time. I felt like an astronaut disguised as an earthling. Like im not really there somehow. I went home and was so out of it i didnt even close my front door. I could have lost my dogs. Ended up just going to bed.


Have you been on meds and stopped? It’s not easy to isolate if you need to work etc. I’m not sure of your story but it’s something that you need to sort out.


Yeah ive been off and on for years. Every med i try my dr will switch because of adverse side effects, mostly a return of severe positive symptoms after a bit. I just gave up i guess. My worst psychotic episode happened after i had been stablized on meds, i think i need to work in therapy more than anything. So im focusing on that. My psychiatrist sent me a gene test kit, ive been procrastinating.

It’s a game of percentages. 20% recover or so without need of meds from 1st episode psychosis. 20% give or take have it bad and find little help even with meds. So that leads a spectrum of what 60% who probably need meds in their life.

Loss of function is the danger sign especially if you need to work and you are describing what is a serious flag that things may get worse. It’s your choice now which is how I’d frame it. You go psychotic and relapse again then it may not be your choice so do the test kit and keep your options open. It’s all your choice now to seek help and maybe find a solution that works for you.

I’ve always wanted better function so I’ve tried a lot of meds before I settled. Sometimes that was horrible and set me back but I eventually found a combo that works…and even then it’s a balance of what works as in side effects versus the amount of symptoms. All’s I’m saying. Do the choosing on your terms.

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I appreciate you not judging my situation. I know its not great that im not on meds but i get a lot of crap when i talk about it but i can assure yoy if you were in my shoes you probably would feel lost too on what to do. My dr said clozapine is probably our next step though

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We don’t diagnose or recommend but seeing around here Clozpine is a good med for a lot especially if other meds aren’t working. It’s a hard journey for all of us but as I say…it may not be easy but dealing with the medical system we have for psych is far from the best.

Keep the ball in your court and if you have persistent sz then getting in early is the way to go. A good shrink will get a handle on what your like. I’ve worked with my doctor on and off since 1993. I have been with him since 2004 every 6 weeks…He’s a smart dude and I have learned to listen to them when it comes to my mental health.

Yeah some of those med choices were me but others were his and he got me onto two meds that work so well for me. So all’s I can say is be prepared to listen to your doctor and give what they say a chance…what do you really have to lose? Especially if you need to work etc…

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Ive been getting psychotic episodes since 2013 but had several years where i didnt have any episodes, half of the time i was on seroquel, they took me off because it made me prediabetic with my diet and lifestyle. Had a lot of stress and it made me snap in 2018 and havent been the same since. My last pdoc was good to me but i think maybe she was lost on what med to try because we started cycling theough meds i had already tried and had some success with. This new pdoc seems nice but i have my concerns because she put schizoaffective on my chart because i said it was my last diagnosis and she asked if i agreed with it, i said yes, and that was pretty much the discussion.

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Yeah not uncommon experience but honestly labels aren’t as important as the treatment for sz and related disorders. Anyways. Do the test and keep the medications option on the table. It’s always a balance between sides and symptoms but untreated psychosis is damage most likely so it gives you a more statistical chance if your looking at it logically.

And isolating in the modern world isn’t good especially if you’ve a mental illness in the wings.

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Yeah that is true about the labels thing. Didnt really think of that. But yeah i know isolation isnt great, its not fully a choice though. Im working on myself and trying to be a better person and such but i think ill always be an outcast, my mannerisms are odd and i always talk about things people dont care much about and even on meds my mind is a jumbled mess and i have disorganized speech, or at least i think i do because i frequently dont understand what people mean and they dont ubderstand me. It has been incredibly painful for a long time and as i get older it only gets harder and harder. One day i said ■■■■ it, i give up on the social world. And i prefer being alone most of the time.

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I just limit my time with other people. When I meet up with family or friends I usually go for a walk or for dinner. I limit the time to 2 hours usually and don’t do it every day. That works for me.

I do have to say that my meds (Invega, clozapine, Wellbutrin and Tranxene) help me to stay calm. Especially the clozapine and Tranxene.


Thats a good point. I did work 3 shifts this week and spent time with my boyfriend, a bit more than im used to so maybe i overdid it.

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Congratulations on being able to work! That’s a good starting point.

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I definitrly think im lucky to be able to work. Ive had many times where i had to take a leave of absence for a month or two and i have a lot of attendence issues but so far its not been a major issue. I function best working about 12 hours a week.

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