I can’t cry or feel pleasure

Ever since starting on my new medications I haven’t been able to cry. Sex doesn’t feel good at all, I’m so frustrated at this that after a sexual encounter last night all I wanted to do was cry. But alas, I can’t cry. I feel like I need to release emotions somehow, to the point where self harm seems like a good outlet. I know it’s not a good option but it’s better than feeling nothing.


Sex sucks for me also, haven’t cried since months. Usually watching the Romanian revolution helps. When I feel like crying I watch that. Both are side effects of meds for me, probably for you to.

I would give it time for the body to adjust to the new med and if the problem persist I hope you can talk with your pdoc, even though I don’t see what they can do except changing the dose or the med.

For pdoc it might seem like a trivial fact that we can’t cry and as long as we don’t run naked throw the streets lol in they’re eyes we’re healthy. At least that’s hows my pdoc.

I can’t cry anymore i never laugh and Im just blah or numb. I know the meds are the cause but the paranoia and hallucinations are better. Some days I want to stop all meds so I can cry laugh ,have sex, and feel normal whatever that is!

I can’t remember the last time I cried. I sometimes feel like I need to cry but I can’t. I am quite flat. I don’t know if it’s the medication or negative symptoms. My sex drive is also zero and I get hardly any pleasure/enjoyment. It’s my biggest complaint right now. I am doing quite well aside from this.

I wish I knew what to suggest. I just try to be thankful that I’m emotionally stable and not psychotic.

Please don’t harm yourself that’s never a good option and if your feeling like doing so reach out to someone.

Yeah, i know how you feel @Hanna_Foxx. With my combination of medication, i can’t cry either. Sex isn’t something i’m even remotely interested in anymore. I’m pretty well much asexual. I can’t really laugh much either, and smiling if generally always fake. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not depressed, i just don’t really feel much anymore.

That sounds difficult to deal with. I can empathize, I don’t have much emotion or character when medicated. So much so, I’d consume cannabis to feel something… anything. I always went with a high cbd strain. The minimal amounts of thc would stir emotions, laughing, crying, sometimes all within one thought. Unfortunately, I am powerless over the drug and life becomes unmanageable so have to abstain. Cutting seems like an extreme measure, much like cannabis use. I hope you can find a healthy and safe medium to express your emotions.

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I know exactly how you feel, because that’s how I feel right now. I’m gonna be a hypocrite and tell you that self harm isn’t the answer. Even though it feels like the only option. Love you bb <3

I haven’t been able to cry in years, even when i feel like i want to. It’s just not there. Like someone else said, maybe you should talk to your pdoc about this. And please don’t harm yourself. Like you said, it’s not a good option.

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I feel exactly the same @Hanna_Foxx . You might as well be describing me. I struggle to cry even when I argue with hubby. Once recently he said I have a hard heart because I can’t cry so I went downstairs and cut myself to feel pain so I could cry.

Sex is dead for me. Can’t feel any physical pleasure.

Its a small price to pay for sanity I guess…


Don’t harm yourself @Hanna_Foxx.
This is not a good solution.
I can cry but I have a difficult time experiencing pleasure.

Talk it over with your doctor.


I thought I wasn’t able to cry until I attended an event about emotional healing here in Brazil. After this event, I attended some other emotional healing programs and even men’s groups. It was more than 2 years thinking I was emotionally flat due to schizophrenia until I attendend this event.

I can’t tell you what happens inside these events, programs and workshops, but I would do them just when stable and with people I can really trust. It’s serious work, but also a releasing one.

Edit: no harm needed.

They need to come up with better medication for us. We shouldn’t have to be zombies.

The brain is such a complex machinery. I think recent progress in neuroscience has come in the realm of memory storage and retrieval. But research concerning libido has stalled.

As Saadiqah mentioned, some price must be paid in exchange for preserving sanity. My libido has somewhat returned during the last year, after finding a good med combo, but pleasure levels are still low. I can’t complain though. I even shed a few tears yesterday while watching Bohemian Rhapsody in the cinema. One of my biggest fears is that I won’t be able to cry if one of my close relatives gets badly injured or dies. We are strange emotional creatures… we need ups and downs in mood, otherwise we feel dead.


What other options besides self harm are there? I can’t feel anything. I need to feel something. It’s tearing me apart inside.


There are many dynamics that can be applied to your heart chakra. These dynamics help you to feel emotions and cry again. You can massage your heart chakra for example.

Edit: dynamics with solar plexus chakra may work as well.

What do you mean by chakra? I don’t understand


Cant really cry either. It’s like the emotions are dampened. The eyes just water up a little.
And no laughter either. A smile at most.

Hello and Sorry… When I was first diagnosed with schizophrenia it was the worst. It took awhile before I felt better. Give it sum time, some days will be better than others … Hugs

@Hanna_Foxx Just some thoughts to consider, I’d imagine it may be great not to cry if you’ve been depressed or sad for a while.
Exercise helps to release emotions.
Do something boring and repetitive, like wash the dishes, color in a book, knit, or other cleaning. Rub a worry stone.
Run your arms under cold water, or just jump in a cold shower.
Journal the thoughts and feelings and emotions.
Try to let go of the idea that you need to feel something.
Feeling nothing can be pleasant in and of itself.
Maybe redirect this uncomfortableness towards your job hunt, go at it with a passion…

i dunno. For me it was sort of a grieving process to loss the feelings I had to go through to be ok with it.

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Self-harm won’t make it go away any more than momentarily. If you think it’s meds related you need to bring it up with your care team.

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