I believe I'm a god

I believe I can watch over others, protect them. Destroy those who harm people. It’s harmless really, so the pdoc doesn’t know. I just thought it’d be interesting to share on here! My god form is that of a canine, kinda like Anubis? But on all fours. Surrounded by shadows, with multiple eyes and a halo.

I drew it here:

I protect those who’ve been abused or had a hard life, especially those with mental illnesses. I make abusers lives hell. Being in this vessel I can’t do much, can’t fully express my power, but I do my best by practicing magic (non wiccan.)

So that’s a look into me. ^^


Blessed is he who shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness,

Have fun with it…

I tried, these cretins don’t give two shits about virtue… let the negligents sink… it’s modern economics

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Thank you. I do not require worship to protect those
I’m sure everyone here is worthy however. The world is a much broader audience, but from what I’ve seen, everyone on this forum has my protection…

Including yourself.

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cool drawing by the way…

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Yeah, that’s my delusion too.

I’m looking towards loving being a human instead of glorifying myself to be divine.


I feel similar but i feel trapped and bound in this horrible under powered body. Punishment for ■■■■ idk but i wish i could escape and use my god powers…cool drawing

I’d say this is my one delusion that I believe 100% of the time? Like I can classify it as a delusion logically but I don’t truly believe it is. I just feel very holy and divine, it’s a sensation.

But that’s really cool! Sometimes I love experiencing a human life so it’s really cool that you’re loving being a human, or trying your best to.

Sometimes I feel that too. x-x

I don’t know if mine is a punishment, it can feel that way when I desperately need my powers to help a friend and I can’t.

Sure. It’s mine too. And in my delusion we can’t both be it. So probably we both have a mental illness that makes us think that we are, makes sense since we’re in a sz forum and all.

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Yeah! I see where that comes from. In mine there can be multiples. kinda like greek mythology I guess. O: It’s interesting to have the same thing but still have it be different in some ways. Tysm for adding C:

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Also i didn’t even think about it, but if this thread upsets people, mods pls come swoop in and delete it if you can. I don’t consider myself a religion type god anyway so I didn’t think how it’d be sensitive to some!


It is interesting. I’ve had it for three years now and don’t know how longer I’ll still have it, but well, I can be a bit possessive about it, I’m the one true god :smile: It’s kinda stupid really, I’m a cool human I should love myself more instead of wanting to be god. A powerless one for that matter.

Every time I thought I had powers it misfired and I would find out I didn’t, so I resigned to the fact that I’m a powerless god. lol

Talking about it actually makes it stupid, so I’m just going to head off to bed now.
Good night!

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Hmgnagdkflskdj sorry if I upset you! I hope you sleep well!

Oh no, it’s okay. It actually helped me, you’re fine :slight_smile:

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:smile_cat: for exactly that reason I find talking about these things to be good therapy :smile_cat:


I’m still possessive about it. I don’t like it when others think they’re god, makes me feel diminished LOL Stupid illness…


I get angry when people tell me there’s no such thing as fairies. I get all, “YEAH I KNOW SHUT UP :pouting_cat:” it’s ridiculous.


Are you a fairy? !! Or do you just believe in them? o:

That’s the way to be. Tough when all you’ve felt is condescension for two years.

Oh man. Short version: I have a longstanding delusion that my ancestors interbred with fairies (I can point to “historical” records that back this up, I have an old family name and there are myths about my ancestors doing this) and that this heritage allows me to communicate with plants and animals.

Should also state that fairies, in my understanding, are rather terrible and monstrous. They’re not like Tinkerbell.