I am waiting for my google data to arrive

i made a request for downloading my data from google, microsoft and spotify.

the data from microsoft arrived first but it was not what i expected.

i am more curios now about the data from google and spotify


What are you looking for?

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They probably learned about all your favorite backstreet boys songs :smiley::smiley::smiley:


I am curios about it.
It would be cool if they made a profile of me, i would be interested in that.

@LevelJ1 lol i don’t think i listened to backstreet boys since they were on MTV

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There’s a company called Clearview AI. They illegally webscraped millions of peoples photos to build a profile for law enforcement and “private 3rd party clients”.

You can email them and ask for your profile data and for it to be removed.

I can’t get mine removed because they won’t remove Canadians data :unamused: :confused: :expressionless:

It’s not really a big deal for me cuz I’ve never done anything worth profiling me lol.

But… companies need to be held accountable


i am not paranoid about my data being out there, after all it’s just a little piece of the big puzzle.

I actually hope google would give me the data processed so i don’t have to process it myself.

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12 GB from google itself :joy:

Hey hey hey! No biting below the belt!

(Unless you’re turkey-sized.)


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