Google Will Delete Users' Play Music Library Later This Month

Don’t know if anyone uses this here.


I received an email about my “Play Music Library” being deleted. Yesterday, I downloaded my purchased music from Google and saved them to my computer. 1500+ songs totally 5GB of storage in my music collection.

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I switched and transferred my Play Music library 2 days ago to YT Music.


How much did you spend on 1500+ songs?

I have YT Premium, and Youtube Music. It’s great; no ads, and Youtube Music has stuff that isn’t on Spotify.

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Sorry, I should have been more detailed on my post. 1500 songs were collected throughout the 1990s until today. When I say collected I mean ripped from CDs, downloaded from Napster and FTP sharing sites like Kazaa etc. I’ve only paid for less than 10 songs at less than $1 each but those songs were of extreme high quality and were difficult for me to find.

Ah Ok. I was gonna say lol; that would be super expensive. I used YT link converters since I was a teen until maybe 2015, when I just started listening to music online due to unlimited data.


I have zero playlists and only a handful of CDs. I almost never listen to music unless it’s meditation music. When I was young, I literally lived for music. Now, I could care less about it.

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