I am very strong muscular guy

Becouse I workout a lot


Exercise is very good. I’ve started adding a lot more free weights to my regular exercise. Going for strength so more reps, less weights and feeling a lot stronger.

Well done to you.


What is your protein intake?


I don’t take any protein or other bodybuilding supplements they are not healthy


Eggs? Chicken breast? Beef? Steak? Turkey? Tuna?

You need protein for you muscles to repair & grow.


I eat everything meat eggs chicken

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They are growing naturally … I don’t want to be pumped up… I just eat healthy food


Easier said than done. I have a pizza now and then besides all that meat I ingest.

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Do you look like those people that moonwalker posted? Hahahaha

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Noooo… :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

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Definitely not, just maintain some strength.


But I am fit good enough


How much can you bench, squate, deadlift etc what is your height and weight.

thats a really good approach. a lot of people who work out start taking way too much protein and mess up their horomones.

I don’t know anything about building muscle.

First, you need to break down the muscle through exercise. Lifting weights has got to be the one of the best activities to do this. The muscle then needs to rest so it can heal. It needs a steady source of protein to rebuild itself. When the muscle heals itself, its size will increase by a very small amount. Do it enough times and hopefully your muscle will grow

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I like the pump

I am thinking of getting some protein. I do a lot more free weights and getting a lot fitter/more muscle. I don’t go overboard but I think it’ll help.

I’m not trying to build bulk. I want more core strength and more endurance. I’ve been doing less weights but more reps. Is that a good thing to be doing? One of you clever people will sort me out!

I am using whey protein powder just to supplement my vegetarian diet.

If you’re wanting to build strength, you’re better off increasing the weight and doing fewer reps. Something like 3-5 reps going as heavy as you can.
Higher reps like 8-12 is usually more reserved to increasing size rather than strength
Also, planks are a great exercise for your core!

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