I am so depressed and lonely

i don’t get along well with my mom. i never did. same old story, yet i am stuck here in her home for lots of reasons i don’t want to talk about.

i feel so sorry for myself.


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Sorry you are depressed and lonely,
hope u feel better judy.

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I didn’t get along with my parents until I moved out. Just me squatting the basement and being unemployed got on their nerves. I hope you can somehow mend your relationship with your mother, as difficult as it sounds. Depression can lift quite fast from day to day in my experience, so keep moving forward with the promise of a better tomorrow. :heart_decoration:


**Hey Judy~
Maybe it`s time for you to get your own place?
You can do it.
Hope you have a good Shabbas :sunrise: **

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i hope you are feeling better today… :heart:
be strong :rainbow:…you can do this.
take care :alien:

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My relationship with parents better since I moved out but I’ve been lucky to be able to afford it
There are advantages and disadvantages of living alone
But I reckon it’s a good idea