I’m sorry to worry you guys. As soon as I finished the assessment I was hospitalized. I was honest and told them everything. They changed my meds. I feel so much better now. The voices are still there, but they’re greatly lessened. They’re so much less intense and they speak less often. It is just my schizophrenic brain turning thoughts into voices, making them feel like they are coming from another source. So, they’re sort of intrusive thoughts. Instead of the intrusive thought saying “I hate myself,” it will say “I hate you” as if I were being spoken to by another person. When I have psychotic thoughts it sounds like there are other people in my head. But I know there are not. I guess these thoughts are just meaningless brain chatter, though it’s hard to ignore it. I try. So anyway, I’m doing much better. Thank you for supporting me through this most recent major episode.
That’s fantastic news ! I’m so happy for you.
Thank you @everhopeful
This is wonderful news!
Glad to hear you’re doing better! Welcome back!
I’m so glad you were honest! I was very worried about you. Thanks for checking in with us.
Sorry to worry you. I should have said I was being admitted but at the time I was just thinking “leave it alone.” Anyway, it feels nice to be out in my own bed.
No need to apologize. Real life always comes first. I’m glad you were able to get some help.
I’m glad to hear that you’re on the road to recovery. Good for you for being honest about how everything was going. Keep it up.
Great that you found a working med combo!
Yeaaaaaaaa! You back! glad to hear youre feeling better
Yeah, you definitely sound better and more optimistic. Good luck.
Thank you guys. I hope you are all well.
Whoo hooo!!! You had us so worried. I glad you were honest.
you did the right thing, i think you got to trust the dr bc who else is there and i believe that most of them do genuinely want to help, be honest is the best thing you can do, well done
So happy to hear you got treatment. Hope you continue to feel better. <3 to you.
I am glad to hear that you are feeling much better!! @Sardonic
So glad to hear you’re doing better! I was worried about you too. Thanks for checking in with us!
Thanks all! I’m glad I have your support. It is a blessing.