my wife doesn’t mind me staying up at night or I probably wouldn’t…I sleep usually form afternoon until around 12 am or 1. just trying to figure out the bills and listening to music…drinking coffee of course…haha
Me too. Im up late at night. I think its what my body likes. I go to bed around 4am and wake up around noon lately. Which has been an improvement cause i was sleeping like 12 hrs a day. Midnight to noon. So staying up later is better.
I’m also a night owl.
There is something about the early twilight hours for me, it reminds me of my studio days in architecture school…doing projects with deadlines…it was the happiest time of my life really as a single man. I just like the night when I can get all my planning and thinking done.
The nights are nice and quiet.
And the hustle and bustle of people is not there which can feel quite hectic sometimes.
@Zoe yes indeed…the world is sleeping on our side of the planet. something calming about that.
It’s 3:20 am here. Life isn’t bad.
hey man ! glad to hear from you. yes, it’s the same here okie bro.
Likewise. I really like the wee hours of the morning. I’m a morning person.
I like the day hours only because I’m usually up in the night for work
I must have vitamin d deficiency.
Whatever works for you, as long as you can manage it.
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hmm i don’t why im up just am…am get it
I love sunlight, but i love peace and quiet without people too.
I would be nocturnal if I could. I have a day job so I have to be up during those hours. Annoying.
I promise to be asleep all night for you. Staying up late sucks and is bad for my health
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