Its not helping. I am still in bed most of the time, 0 improvement. My sz negative and cognitive symptoms are the same. I don’t care about being fat as I can’t date anyways regardless of my weight.
The only thing that helped my sz negative and cognitive symptons is increasing dopamine but this worsen positive symptoms. Fk this sz.
Dude, it takes a month before you really see and feel results when you diet. Yeah you’re going to be irritable - that happens when we have to give up habits we enjoy (especially the destructive ones).
Fingers crossed for ya.
There is a book called how not to diet by dr Michael Greger and I just bought it.
He says you should eat a lot not a little but it’s what food you eat that matters.
Such as minestrone soup you can have heaps of but pizza you can’t.
Anyways, diet doesn’t cure sz. Its not proven to do so. I guess everytime I try something I get my hopes high it will cure me of sz but thats not the case. I guess Drs are right, there is no treatment without worsening positive symptoms.
I’ve decided that i’m going to spend the rest of my 20’s eating whatever I want. When I reach my 30’s, i’ll start watching what I eat.
Diet alone will not cure SZ but it is part of the solution. I don’t think it’s any special wild diet tho. Just balanced eating.
I try to eat
1 cup fruit
1 cup vegetables
1 cup lean protein
1 cup carbs
For each meal and that balanced food lifestyle works for me. Diets aren’t the answer balanced eating is.
Nothing cures SZ. All you can hope for is to make it more manageable. Regular exercise makes me feel more energetic, better in terms of mood, and I enjoy improved overall health. It’s also wicked fun if you find stuff you enjoy doing (VR exercise kicks booootay).
Diet improves physical health but I don’t see the point in improving it to live a life I don’t want to live.
I guess I have fun playing video games with my friend everyday.
Dude you soudn depressed. Mental health and physical health are not two separate things really. Just look at the body. The head is connected to the body. Physical health can greatly impact mental health. You don’t have to be depressed. You can defeat it. Physical health is a big factor in that so persevere brother
I guess physical is the wrong word. Diet doesn’t help sz symptoms.
If you like to eat then just eat and enjoy yourself. If you weighed 140 lbs and lay in bed all day you would still get enlarged heart and other cardiovascular problems. Enjoy life any way you can!
I will take my dopamine supplement, mucuna, idc anymore if I get positive symptoms. I just want to feel alive again.
Take the minimum you need dont f around and experiment with higher doses
I’m sorry, but you have only been on it a few days. Believe me, if you give it more time it will get easier. You will feel awful for about a week, before you notice improvements mentally and physically.
I did the same diet for 2-3 months before, I lost tons of weight but it didn’t improve my sz symptoms, I still felt like sh!t.
I will take it tomorrow morning as i am going to sleep soon now so its useless having energy now.
Good luck aziz be cautious
Thanks @anon84461028