The other day kellie made a post about breeding with aliens and it go me excited. I started thinking about all the different things human can breed with. Was wondering if scientists have tried this before? Like impregnating ants with sperm. Or whales, spiders, bears, snakes or something simple like a gorilla. What would happen if a human female was impregnated with ant sperm. Would she give birth to an ant man/woman. Would a cross bred whale human be able to breathe underwater. Would it be huge? Surely scientists have attempted this sorta thing before? If I wanted to research it what would I search for. This sorta thing could advance the human race. Imagine a human with a big rhino horn, or a lion that could walk on two legs and talk to us
it would be more interesting…???
I agree. I want a son or daughter that is half spider. Would he/she be able to walk on walls. Have 8 legs? Could he/she make a web? Would it be human size or spider size. Its exciting, like a gene pool lucky dip
yeah Its true indeed like I want to have my girlfriend half tiger .so that she can protect me as well as feed me up. I will
be power full like any other in his world… what do u say…???
That would work. Why arnt scientists doing this. Imagine the things we could create. Imagine how humans could evolve. Underwater breathing, flying, spinning webs, laying eggs etc.
Because humans can only breed with others of the same species… unless one tampers considerably with the genes?
yeah brah with that I want all Psychiatrist to work on effective med for sz… with lesser side effect and more positive one knows cure too possible…by the way @brucewillis are u form Sydney…???
Nahh im from melbourne
okay I used to live in Adelaide few years ago…
Ahhh I been to adelaide a few times. Great city. The casino is the best casino in australia. I been to most of them.
okay I finished my bachelors studies from I am in my own country…
Science knows no bounds and they have probably been trying things like this for awhile.
I don’t even want to know whats gone on behind closed doors.
Crossbreeding between species, even if successful, almost always leads to sterile offspring. It is thought homo sapiens bred with homo neanderthal, but we shared a close common ancestor, ie homo erectus. It is scientifically conceivable modern day humans could by artificial means propagate with a chimpanzee, creating what some would call a humanzee, and there is data to suggest at one time scientists wanted to attempt this, but as far as I know it was never authorized, so I don’t know what the outcome would be, but since humans don’t have a close enough common ancestor with lions and insects, it would be impossible, unless we’re talking gene splicing. There is a movie that explores this concept called Splice. At the bottom is the trailer.
Check out another “mutant,” although not a crossbreed, called the bili ape, also known as “the giant chimpanzee.” They are as big as gorillas and can grow up to 6 feet tall.
Is that tiger liger her of leeefriend nah kid I kid they match :)? Whaley gorillas they look cool feel good dundooglabooladeebop popes
What in the name of the lord is with the amount of strange fetish posts on here lately
Also just to clarify, this is impossible. A human female can not be impregnated with another animal’s sperm and vice versa. This is for a multitude of biological reasons that I won’t bother to go into.
There have been experiments where certain genes from animals have been successfuly transferred to another animal, like when the bred biolumiscent (glowing) pigs by giving them a gene from a type of jellyfish. Doing something like this with humans is HIGHLY controversial and goes into eugenics territory, ie it’s not going to happen anytime soon.