Humanity & Genetics

If this post causes me anxiety I’ll probably remove it. That being said…

So I had this kind of spiritual dream about gene-editing technology, and it got me thinking. About that “illness” that causes people to look like werewolves. And how some babies are born with tails. So what if we could engineer those genes into something amazing? Maybe people who are “furries” are the predecessors of the more werewolf-like humans someday, and maybe we can use remnants of our ancient ancestors’ genes to engineer an aquatic human race, like the Zora in Zelda. And who knows what else is hidden in our DNA? Maybe stuff the we view as negative or “illness” isn’t actually that way at all, such as the Lycanthropy thing. Most people think about getting rid of disease etc. with gene editing, but not cool stuff like this.

I don’t think were ready for stuff like that. We will be dead and gone long before that is even considered if it ever is at all

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But…I just considered it

What I mean is when society is on board and says let’s do it

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You should look into it more. There are people on record within the past year within those industries saying they “have no plans of dying.” We’re doing some amazing things with technology.

From reputable sources. Not some Enquirer pipe dream.

Think it will be a long time, keeping the brain alive is one thing, getting it not to age and start failing is another

Could be. This thread was more about the creativity of it all though, not the feasibility. (:

Imagine your brain transplanted into a body that wants to live another 80 years and the brain gets old and fails, would be awful.

I would like some genetically engineered wings. Ones that actually let me fly, not shitty penguin wings. And maybe I would like to be able to breathe underwater. I’m not sure which one I would want more.


I like swimming so breathing under water would be cool

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I don’t wanna live forever

I’m sure that’s a title to a song (sounds like it). But yeah let nature run its natural course ! For me at least.

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But imagine getting to jump out of an airplane with no parachute! Just you and the wind. If you had other folks who could fly, you could start a quidditch team!


I do love birds…


Penguin wings are only shitty in the air, they work quite well under water. It’s all a matter of perspective. :thinking: :penguin:


Damn Penguins, never met one I could trust, fancy suits look at the one on the left, shifty eyes!!!


^^^ The Penguin Mafia

My favorite is the one stretching his neck out like “heard u were talkin ■■■■”

Probably to a local walrus or something


Exit stage right…