How did your Thanksgiving go?

Well the Thanksgiving that my mom and I hosted went off pretty well but then we went to David’s family members house and there was a lot of people there and it caused my anxiety to come up and I tried to relax a little and that didn’t work and I tried to find something I could eat and it was hard I found turkey but I had turkey and so I got some pickles, green olives, and pickled okra and the owner of the house came up to me and literally said “you better not tell me you only had pickles” and I said “I’m not sure what I can have, I’m allergic to gluten” and she looks shocked and she said “we’ll find something for you” and went on the list most normal things to be gluten free and I just smiled and said something like thanks. I just found a corner and sat while my husband and I talked and I listened to everything that was going on around me and i found I could hear lots and lots of conversations at once and understand a lot of them and I found it was emotionally draining me and I found that after a bit I found that I just shut down inside and kinda just sat there and didn’t really even talk to my husband and idk what to think of what was going on with me… I was really glad to be going home but I did have a good time? I think? Idk what to think about anything that happened to me inside or what…

That’s mine, how was your Thanksgiving?


My Thanksgiving family gathering went really well thanks to Klonopin.

There were quite a bunch of people at my cousins house but I did a good job of keeping it cool.

PRN Klonopin helps a lot!

I’m going to take it more often when venturing away from my house.


Ours went well. I cooked and had the kids help with stuff. Only my cranberry sauce was yuck because you just can’t substitute splenda in it. Doesn’t take care of the bitterness.

We all sat and talked and had a great family time.


It went well. We just had the basics and desert. I didn’t mingle much with dad’s girlfriend’s family as I was getting social anxiety but I did eat at the table with them then retreated back upstairs until they left.



ah yea i do that too always… i try to spend a bit of time at the table and then go to my room when it gets too much for me.


I know it’s time to get away from people when I start screwing up my words and stuff. Sure I make a real good impression when I pause and stammer my words and then can’t think worth beans.


It was good, for the most part.

Food was great – my sister did a great job. She made the best sweet potatoes, with maple and pecans. I did all of the cleaning for her since she did the cooking. She has a bad leg, and stood all day, so I took over for her after dinner was over.

We all hung out for a bit. I got early birthday and Chanukah presents.

Then my mom started complaining about how she didn’t feel well (she’s a drama queen), so my dad had to take her home. Then my sister and I just hung out, ate some more apple pie, and I went home and went to bed.

Decent day.


It went ok but I’m completely drained and I still have another thanksgiving tomorrow

My Thanksgiving went mostly well. I met a nice woman and we had a nice conversation, but when I found out there were more people coming I begged off and went home.

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